In May 1787, the democratic government that had ... Of the three delegates from that state, only Hamilton had signed the Constitution. The other two delegates had fled the convention in anger.
The Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution of the United States (1787) were both signed in this building in Philadelphia. The universal principles of freedom and democracy set forth ...
He urged every delegate to sign the document ... on October 27, 1787. Hamilton needed collaborators, and he approached first John Jay, an author of New York's state constitution, and then Madison ...
They were among 55 delegates who signed the Constitution in 1787. The Constitution established the nation’s Bill of Rights (though later in 1791), and the balance of power throughout three ...
One of only a handful of ratified copies of the United States Constitution is expected to ... This listing is a copy of the ...
signed to attest, or authenticate, the delegates’ signatures. Also of note is the method by which the Constitution is dated: “the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord” 1787 ...