A sub-species of the thresher shark family, the bigeye thresher, is classified as endangered in most of the Atlantic Ocean.
Residents of Cornwall, United Kingdom, were horrified to find a thresher shark washed up on their beaches recently, according to Forbes. "While difficult to say for certain, early findings suggest ...
The pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus) is a highly migratory species found in tropical and ... [+] subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific, often known for its long, whip-like tail.
As the sharks continued rolling in—147-pound mako, 466-pound thresher, 500-pound thresher, 174-pound mako—I talked with the tournament’s organizer, Shawn Harman. “What’s more fun than ...
Vouchers are now on sale for a new shark license plate to support the Big Fish Lab at Oregon State University. (Courtesy: OSU ...
This is known as oophagy ('egg eating') and occurs in species including the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and bigeye thresher sharks (Alopias superciliosus). Embryos of other sharks survive by ...
The “Vibrant Ocean” specialty plate features three shark species commonly found in Oregon. Proceeds from sales of the plates will benefit Oregon State University’s Big Fish Lab, which focuses on shark ...
Steve Woods/Getty Images The Philippines has hundreds of shark dives, but this marine park keeps enthusiasts coming back for its prolific thresher shark sightings—the most in the world.