David Blight: Like the destroyed abbeys of 17th-century England in the English civil war, which are still ... traveling in the South, writing story after story, which were published into very ...
“South Sudan is one major escalation away from slipping into a new civil war,” said Alan Boswell ... their freedom secured after an unusual and highly public visit by a Trump administration ...
After independence, internal divisions between the wealthier north and less-developed south triggered decades of violent conflict, including two civil wars. The second Sudanese civil war lasted ...
Residents of Juba, the capital of South Sudan, are familiar with violence. When civil war erupted in 2013, two years after independence from Sudan, the city was the scene of ethnic massacres and ...
Two years after South Sudan gained independence in 2011, Kiir and Machar were engaged in a bitter civil war until ... and risking opening up a new arena for proxy war. The ICG warned that if ...