The Roseate Spoonbill used to be a rare visitor in South Carolina. But as it’s population rebounds and the climate warms, it ...
South Carolina is home to nearly 60 endangered or threatened wildlife species. Congress is proposing sweeping overhauls for ...
Beaufort Division. Sperm whales have been listed as an endangered species since 1970 and are protected under the Lacey Act, the nation’s oldest wildlife protection law. They are mammals ...
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Heritage Trust Program recently acquired a 122.6-acre tract of land located on Coosaw Island in Beaufort County. This is the 19th Cultural ...
A controlled burn was getting underway on the 10,000-acre Nemours Wildlife Foundation property, which is nestled along the west bank of the Combahee River at the very edge of Beaufort County.