Oval Office, Trump

President Donald Trump redecorated the Oval Office with many of the same artifacts from his first White House term.
President Trump decorated the Oval Office with a collage of family photos and other personal effects that were on full ...
The new president declared a sea change of policies, vowing to push forward priorities related to the border, energy and ...
The rug, which was in place during Ronald Reagan’s administration and during Trump’s first term, was reinstalled during Trump ...
As the transfer of power from one president to another occurs, so does a transformation of the Oval Office's decor. Each ...
The Oval Office underwent an overhaul on Monday as Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president. Portraits of founding ...
Another return to the Oval Office in Trump 2.0 is a sculpture called “The Bronco Buster” by artist Frederic Remington, which ...
Out with Andrew Jackson, in with Ben Franklin. Biden has already made a physical mark on the Oval by switching out the office ...
Biden removed Jackson's portrait early in his presidency and replaced it with a portrait of Benjamin Franklin.