After each dive he quickly transferred DEEPSEA CHALLENGER’s samples to pressurized ... CHALLENGE is a joint scientific expedition by James Cameron, the National Geographic Society, and Rolex.
Hollywood director James Cameron has plunged nearly 11km down ... He made the descent alone in a prototype submarine called “Deepsea Challenger”, taking around two hours to reach the bottom.
America's first 'underwater automobile' is introduced, capable of diving up to 11,000 meters. The HOV DEEPSEA CHALLENGER by ...
More recently, filmmaker James Cameron reached the bottom alone in 2012, and Victor Vescovo made a dive in 2019 as part of ...
World-famous director and deep-sea explorer James Cameron has spoken out abut ... showcasing his record-breaking 2012 solo-dive to Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench - the deepest part of ...