Take $5 million in federal money, add incentives for farmers to plant crops to soak up nitrates and you’ve got a program so ...
Stormwater pollution, a leading cause of water quality issues nationwide, is a significant concern for our community. This isn’t just a problem for the environment, it’s a threat to our way of life.
"We’re getting a third-party, independent review of these issues." International inquiry details plan to investigate severe, ...
A bill that would allow money to reduce water pollution to be used to help remove invasive plants is headed to Gov. Mike ...
Ireland urgently needs a comprehensive water plan to address long-term challenges, including extreme weather events, pollution and wastage ...
present a serious threat to drinking water and public health.” We agree, and let’s hope he doesn’t forget, because it’s time to put a stop to this pollution.
Alito Jr., writing for the majority, said the E.P.A. was entitled to impose specific requirements to prevent pollution but not to make polluters responsible whenever water quality generally falls ...