SHERMAN through South Carolina is attended with none of the ravage predicted by all the rebels, and hoped for by many loyal men. So far as can be gathered from the few general facts that have ...
William Tecumseh Sherman captured Atlanta in record time and lay waste to the Georgia and South Carolina countryside on his 1864 “March to the Sea.” A failed banker, he re-entered the military ...
South Carolina lies at the feet of Gen ... GRANT, says: "The general opinion is that he (SHERMAN) will go to Charleston and establish a base there; but we confess that we do not see what need ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Bidders will fight with their dollars next week at an Ohio auction house for the sword of the Civil War Union general ... in Louisiana when South Carolina seceded in ...
Elmira, NY, has written several other book in the Emerging Civil War series. This study of Sherman began while he was an undergraduate at SUNY Cortland, 25 years ago, when he began to view the general ...
And like Grant, he became a fierce, uncompromising warrior who helped batter the Confederates into submission during the Civil War ... Sherman's men fought through South Carolina, and on into ...