He had facial stubble and was wearing a brown flat cap, a brown jumper and grey trousers ... "The boy had been approached by an unknown man in a vehicle on Peak Hill Road earlier in the day, around ...
The Repair Shop fans were left 'bawling' after a tearful man felt reconnected to his late father when his flat cap was restored. Mick Harper, from Gloucester, featured on the BBC show on Wednesday ...
A man suffered serious facial injuries after a gang dragged him out of a flat and then attacked him inside a van in Liverpool. Merseyside Police said the victim, aged in his 20s, was taken to ...
A man was dragged from his flat and into a van before being viciously attacked by a gang. At around 8.55pm on Friday, February 14, Merseyside Police were called to Picton Road in Wavertree ...
A 62-year-old man has died after a fire took hold at a flat in Perth. Firefighters were called to the blaze on St Catherine's Road at about 04:50 - they extinguished the flames and left at about ...
The neighbours of a man described as threatening and abusive have spoken out after he was barred from returning to their Lakenham street. Richard Mound is no longer welcome in Wilby Road ...