If those challenges weren’t enough, scientists working in the deep sea must also deal with near-freezing temperatures and complete darkness. What fun facts about the ocean do you know?
Non-mixing layers of water and hydrocarbons thousands of miles deep could explain the icy planets’ strange magnetic fields.
A scary-looking creature with “devil” in its name was spotted close to the surface off Tenerife, a Spanish island.
This is only the second time the species has been recorded while alive. “I thought it was A.I.,” says fish biologist Kory Evans.
Scientists found deep-sea shrimp evolved special vision to detect bioluminescent light and navigate their world.
Scientists were once again excited, this time over the sighting of a humpback anglerfish for the first time in broad daylight ...
The marine photographer who captured the footage said it could be the world's first recorded sighting of a black seadevil ...
Discover interesting facts about where sharks live ... Species like the glowing kitefin shark even live in the ocean's deep "twilight zone," where light barely penetrates. Many sharks also ...