As Sorcerer Supreme, that duty fell to Doctor Strange and then Doctor Doom, who failed to uphold the covenant when he ...
Spider-Man has gone through many tragic events in his life. Suffering is kind of his default mode, starting with the death of ...
Warning: Spoilers for The Amazing Spider-Man #68 Ahead!Everyone knows that Spider-Manmust live by his Uncle Ben's famous ethos, or innocent people will die. But when he forsakes his principles in ...
If there was a yearbook for the Marvel Comics universe, Juggernaut would easily snag the superlative for "Most Improved." The ...
Marvel‘s treatment of Spider-Man in the 21st century is a strange story. For some reason, Marvel decided to throw out the more mature, married Spider-Man that several generations of fans grew up with ...
Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead 2 is a mixture of horror and dark comedy which is also considered as one of the best horror sequel movies. Sam Raimi’s second superhero movie with a banger villain and cinema ...
While there have been plenty of Red Dead Online characters that serve as tributes to specific franchises, Spider-Man fans should get a kick out of the latest design. The Red Dead Online player ...