Ready to learn how to wax on, wax off? Here's our guide to watching the entirety of the Karate Kid franchise, Cobra Kai ...
Cobra Kai is a Netflix follow-up on The Karate Kid series that once more inspired a passion for martial arts narrative.
We give you the reasons why Netflix's Cobra Kai is among the streaming giant's greats, from its tasteful nostalgia to the ...
But they kept reassuring me with their words and whole ... him the way of Cobra Kai as he knew it, and then betrayed Jonny and tried to choke him out at the end of Karate Kid 2.
Fans of the “Karate Kid” films now have a reason to celebrate as the latest and final season of “Cobra Kai” makes its debut ...
Cobra Kai. (L to R) Thomas Ian Griffith ... and Robby matures into a role model in every sense of the word. Ever since the original three The Karate Kid films, John Kreese has been a villain ...
Sad news, dojo diehards: “Cobra Kai” came to an end with its sixth and final season, which tied up storylines that stretch back all the way to the original 1984 "The Karate Kid" movie.