Kamms Corner residents worry a new thousand-car parking garage along with a cancer center to be built north of Lorain Avenue ...
Click to learn more about parking permit rates. When an assigned lot is full, spillover lots are available. Permit holders should call Parking Services at 216.368.2273 for the closest spillover lot.
The city of Cleveland is hosting the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade on Monday.The parade will step off from Superior Avenue ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Parking restrictions Monday ahead of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will begin at 9 a.m., with road closings ...
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio (WOIO ... The city is looking to block off the north side of the Cedar-Lee parking garage so catch debris and help reopen the garage during the cleanup.
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio -- City Council was considering a final vote this week on the proposed sale of two city parking lots flanking the former Unitarian Church for a senior housing development ...
Business owners in Cleveland Heights are raising questions about when the city's Cedar-Lee neighborhood will return to normal after a Jan. 24 fire at a new apartment complex that was nearing ...
The Cleveland Street District offers proximity to both street parking spaces and parking garages. There is no fee to visit the district itself, but extra charges apply for items purchased on-site.
The parade steps off shortly after 1 p.m., but road closures and parking restrictions begin at 9 a.m. in the downtown area.