Injury rates almost doubled among workers under 18 between 2011 and 2020, the report said. The Fair Labor Standard Act, ...
Child labor ranges from four-year-olds tied to rug ... use machetes to cut cane for up to nine hours a day in the hot sun; injuries to their hands and legs are common and medical care is often ...
An Olympia timber company was fined roughly $115,000 for child labor violations after the Washington State Department of ...
“Logging is an incredibly high-injury industry, and teens under the age of 18 are strictly prohibited by federal and state regulations from working in logging occupations because of that danger,” said ...
Injuries and Disabilities ... Only a tiny fraction of child labor violations are ever uncovered by the Department of Labor, and penalties are typically too weak to discourage employers from ...
L&I officials say the business allowed a teen to work in its logging operation and got hurt on the job, which is a violation ...
said when she signed her state's new child labor law in May that it would "allow young adults to develop their skills in the workforce." The law limits employer liability for the injury ...
House Bill 100 took effect in January, raising the maximum financial penalty to $25,000 -- up from $10,000 -- if a child dies or is seriously injured while working in violation of labor law.
The legislation was the latest move to relax child labor restrictions in Indiana ... that are minors," said Murfree, who was injured on the job as a teen worker. "No matter what, employers ...