On Friday, March 7, the Charles B. Wang Center hosted the opening of the solo exhibition titled “Cycles of Clay: The Ceramic ...
I told her kilns are close to a thousand dollars and a pottery wheel can be $900,” said Hafner. “It’s an expensive art form.
The Kimball Art Center ’s new exhibit “Traces” is inspired by the National Council of Education for the Ceramic Arts ...
The pottery studio—founded in 1982 by Dee and Terry Buck—is nestled in the heart of New Braunfels' Gruene Historic District ...
Eden Prairie potter Mindy Sisk specializes in creating ceramic art with lively nature scenes and sprawling landscapes.
Shapeshifter” is a fascinating and eclectic collection of ceramic art, pottery, and unique techniques presented by the Saskatoon Potters Guild. The display is on for the month of March at the Humboldt ...
fascinating art piece. Despite being a highly visual technique, Kintsugi draws attention to the life, rather than the look of a pot Pottery has benefited hugely from this attitude to broken things ...