If there’s anywhere Team Lemon (formerly Team Mako) and Team Great White may find common ground, it’s megalodon speed. Rather ...
This new design perfectly exemplifies Riza Tansu's philosophy of creating more functional, utility-focused vessels inspired ...
The first mako Grey got on the line was a 258-pounder ... On our second day out of Narragansett, Rhode Island, as we hauled yet another blue shark to the side of the boat, I finally took note ...
No doubt attracted by their bait, a giant mako leaped into the air and landed on the front of the boat. It’s hard to say who was more shocked — the fishermen or the shark. Makos are predatory ...
Paul Barning went missing Sunday after falling overboard his boat during a fishing competition in New South Wales, Australia.
A live mako shark washed up at Sumner Beach, prompting a police call out. The Department of Conservation said mako sharks are not protected, so they didn’t respond. Christchurch resident Kristy ...
The plates, featuring the endangered mako shark, have been the fastest-selling and most popular charity plates in Rhode Island. The motorcycle plates are expected to be available for pickup in May ...
Among the shark species eligible for points are Blue, Smooth Hammerhead, Mako, Porbeagle, Thresher, Tiger, Great White and Whaler sharks, according to the NSWGFA rulebook. The shark that Barning ...